Friday, March 01, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey Dinner

My Valentine Class at Kitchen Conservatory this year was inspired by the steamy novel-eventhough I did not read it-way too steamy for this old man.  I read enough about it on Wiki to write a menu.

Asparagus and Mussel Salad with Remoulade
Spanish Sweet Pepper Soup Spanked with Almond Cream and Toasted Almonds
Splayed and Stuffed Tenderloin of Beef in Bondage
Spring Vegetables with Leek Restraints
Timbale of Rice, Peas, and Lardon
Red Velvet and Honey-whipped Goat Cheese Tiramisu with Berries and Silver Balls

Here is the beef recipe
4 eight ounce beef tenderloin fillet mignon steaks (center cut)
8 ounce ball of fresh moaazrella, cut into 4 slices
4 thin slices of proscuitto
4 lenths of string to tie the steaks after stuffing
Canola or vegetable oil as needed
for the Sauce:
4 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon minced shallot
1 tablespoon minced garlic
4 tablespoons of flour
2 cups of veal stock
1/4 cup sweet marsala wine
1/4 cup tomato sauce
Wrap each slice of mozzarella with a slice of proscuitto.  Make a cut in the side of each steak large enough to accomodate the wrapped cheese, and insert the cheese into the steak.  Tie with the string which will help the steak hold its shape.
Heat a heavy bottomed skillet with a light film of oil.  Sear both sides of the steaks for 3 minutes on each side over high heat.  Sear the sides slightly as well.  Remove the steaks to a baking sheet and place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes (for medium rare).  The internal temperature should be around 122-125 degrees-let the steaks rest at leat 5 to 8 minutes befor cutting into it.
While the steaks finish cooking and are resting, make the sauce.  Add butter to the skillet the steaks were sauteed in.  Add the shallot and garlic and stir cook 1 to 2 minutes-do not brown.  Add the flour and continue to stir cook until you make a caramelly colored light brown roux. 
Add the wine and reduce by half, add the stock and tomato sauce and continue to cook and reduce until you reach sauce consistency.  Taste for any kind of seasoning adjustment.
Snip the strings off the beef and serve with the sauce.

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