Monday, September 28, 2009

Roti de Porc, poele (Casserole Roasted Pork)

Another Julia Child recipe. Since the "Julie /Julia" movie came out, Julia's book and recipes are on alot of people's minds lately, mine too it seems. Her recipes are so carefully written and explained, and the results from this one are so succulent and rich. This recipe uses the French technique of poele, which is simply a braised roast and translates as that all-American favorite from the 50's-casserole.
I marinated the roast over night in sherry wine with some chopped shallot, chopped garlic, bay leaf, thyme, parsley, black pepper and salt. Remove the roast from the marinade and dry before proceeding with the recipe.
Julia lists several vegetables that could be included. I used turnips, carrots, onion, and pears. Potatoes would also be good, of course, as would cabbage, parsnip, apple, sweet potato, or squash.
3 pound boneless pork roast
4 tablespoons butter
1 large onion, sliced
4 turnips, peeled and quartered
4 pears, cored and quartered
4 carrots, peeled and cut into larger chunks
1 flame proof casserole
1 1/2 cup wine, stock, or a mixture of both
Fresh herbs-I used bay, rosemary, and sage
Brown the pork in the butter
Add the vegetables and brown slightly
Add the wine and stock and herbs-Julia ties her up in an herb bouquet
Cover and bake in a 325 degree oven for about 1 1/2 hours. Baste the roast every 1/2 hour.
Julia suggests you remove the roast when the temperature reaches 180 degrees. I removed the roast from the oven when the temperature hit 155 degrees, let it sit to rest for another ten minutes before carving and it was perfectly done.

1 comment:

  1. Another pork dish that would be good to try...the roti.
