Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's day 07

It has been a most frustrating but eventually fulfilling weekend. Friday was the annual benefit for the History Museum of Monroe county, and Sunday was Mother's day. In between was a very busy Saturday night. Three different menus with three separate prep sheets, Most of us enjoy the change of pace-some are not so cooperative-there was some conflict and drama to add to the stress of all the business. Some individuals always feel that they do more work than the person next to them, when actually the workers who produce the best, adapt to change, and acquire new skills are the one who never seem to complain.

We were presented with a three day window to do allot of business and color me proud, but most of us rose to the occasion. Running a busy kitchen is allot like coaching a sports team. You have players, you have stars, and you have prima donnas (that is usually myself-though not always). I have a terrific crew and they do a great job. I will blog about the museum benefit later in the week, as I have time, but I will give the Mother's Day menu and some photos here.

Mother's Day Menu
Blueberry Crumb muffins
Monroe county Asparagus Salad-baby lettuce, asparagus, and ham all grown in Monroe county
Pork Loin with Blackberry brandy sauce
Chicken Piccata
Stir-fried vegetables and rice noodles
Sauteed fingerling potatoes with zucchini
Crepes filled with chocolate mousse/strawberry-mandarin orange sauce

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