Tomato Frenzy
The tomato crop keeps coming in a frenzy. Farmer Alan Nolte, who just started delivering to me brought a beautiful heirloom variety which he called German Stripe. It is a golden and red stripe. The flesh is mostly golden with a few streaks of red.
We've also been enjoying Brandywines, Purples, Pinks,and a couple of others.
We've made Caprezi and Greek tomato salads daily.
I prefer to skin and chill the tomatoes before making salads, but the true purists like to pick them off the vine and eat them still warm.
Food and Wine magazine did a spread on a Napa Valley tomato party and I got inspired to make the yellow tomato juice from the story. Of course I didn't follow the recipe, but made my own as I went. I added some carrots, parsley, and celery to the mix. I believe they called them "Blondie" Marys.
Those Red Stripe heirlooms look incredibly good!!!! We've been enjoying some of Uncle Bills' tomatos the last couple of days but they're just about gone. I have to admit, we can't grow tomatos here in Texas like y'all do in Illinois. Not even close. (very large sigh....)But on the other hand, I can't get good bbq in Illinois.
You grow those? I would have thought that a special delivery straight from heaven.
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