This is my first time blogging. I received James Peterson's "Glorious French Food" book as a gift recently, and I have been wanting to make his clementines a l'eau-de-vie since I first read the recipe. I hope it will be a fortuitious initiation into the blogosphere. The clementines are marvelous right now and abundant at the market.
The ingredient list is quite simple
24 small clementines
7 cups granulated sugar
2 cups good quality vodka
wash the clementine and remove any stems, blanch the clementine and drain
when the clementines are cool enough to handle, prick them with a pin several times, which will allow the syrup to penetrate to the center of the clenentines
combine 3cups of sugar with two quarts of water in a heavy bottomed non-aluminum kettle, bring to a gentle simmer, add the clementines and simmer for ten minutes
remove to a heat proof bowl, cover and let sit over night at room temperature
repeat this process three times in three days, reducing the simmering time to five minutes
drain the clementines and discard the syrup
combine the remaining four cups of sugar with three quarts of water and bring to the simmer, add the clementine(handle gently as they become soft), simmer five minutes, cool and let sit overnight at room temperature
repeat this once or twice more (depends on the size of your clementines)but becareful not to cook too much or they will become mushy
drain them once more, reserving the syrup, reduce the syrup to about four cups, let the syrup cool and add the vodka
pour the mixture ofver the clementines making sure that is cover them, if it doesn't add more vodka
store chilled for two to three weeks in a glass jar
I've learned alot on this first effort-it's a pretty disorganized post next time I'll try to organize it better
I can't find this very easily
The first paragraph of this entry is not readable. It was to explain that this was my first blog.
The recipe was taken from James Petersen's book "Glorious French Food".
Hey cuz, this looks very good, but.....how about something that takes less than ONE WEEK to prepare??
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