Happy Birthday Julia Child
Julia was born August 15, 1912. Lisa at Champaign Taste hosts an annual tribute to Julia. All the bloggers contribute and her influence and importance is hard to underestimate. I chose to showcase chicken crepes with hollandaise. We make these almost every Wednesday for dinner special, and they are always well received. At first they seem sort of old-fashioned and frumpy, but they are actually sort of homey and a bit elegant at the same time. I should also tell you that Wednesdays we discount every wine on the list by $10. The chicken and rich hollandaise sauce really call for wine I think. The recipes for her crepes and hollandaise appear in Mastering the Art volume 1. I didn't use a recipe for the filling just sauteed some chicken breast with some diced onion and fresh spinach.
Visit Lisa's blog to see all the tributes to Julia.
Mickey: Thank you for taking part in the 3rd annual event! Your crepes look and sound delicious; if I were in your town, I'd go into the restaurant and sit down to a platefull of them. Mrs. Child was (and still is) a treasure. And so fun to watch.
No way frumpy! Those look so good!
How can you go wrong with chicken and hollandaise?
You are inspiring me to make some crepes too.
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